
Spustit virtuální procházku

Basic information

Official title: The Town of Štíty
Location of the town: Czech Republic, Olomouc Region, Zábřeh Micro-Region
Basic Administrative Unit No.: 541168
Town ID No.: 16399
Population: 2046
Number of town sections: 4
Infrastructure – sewerage system (wastewater treatment), gas lines, water distribution system
Post office: yes
School: yes
Health care facility: yes
Police department: yes

Contact information:
Town Office address:
Štíty Town Office, nám. Míru 55,
789 91 Štíty

Tel., fax: 583 440 214, 583 440 215

Official hours:
Monday and Wednesday 7.00 to 16.30
Lunch break 11.30 – 12.00



The village apparently takes it name from founder Heralt or Herald, to which corresponds the German name Herautz and the earlier Czech name Heraltice. The village was incorporated into Štíty in 1976 and is located on the former regional border between Moravia and Bohemia at the relatively substantial altitude of 460 to 750 metres above sea level on the eastern slopes of the Orlické Mountain projection that runs from Suchý vrch to Lázek. The first mention of Heroltice dates to 1278.


The name of the village (also earlier called Cerhov) is taken from the first name Crha, the Czech form of Cyril. The village was incorporated into Štíty in 1976, and is a distinctive mountain village located on the hills running from the Březná Stream Valley to the west to the commemorative mountain Lázek u Cytkytle, to the border between Moravia and Bohemia. The first mention of Crhov in historical records dates to 1358.


Until 1918 this residential area was called by the Czech name Březná – Ves (Village), German Friesedorf, then simply Březná, even after the incorporation of Březenský Dvůr in 1945. The village either arose on a location where a birch forest was cleared, or it took its name from Březná Stream. Březná is situated in the Březná Stream Valley at an altitude of 443 metres above sea level, immediately next to Štíty. Březná was one of the oldest villages in the Štíty area, and was mentioned as early as 1278.


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