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Mount Lázek, with an observation tower and Reichl's Lodge from 1933, is the highest point in the Zábřeh Highlands (714 metres above sea level). The observation tower offers broad views to the Orlické Mountains, the Podorlická foothills, the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains, and the Jeseníky foothills all the way to the Haná region. There is a 360-degree view toward a large part of the Pardubice and Olomouc Regions, Kralický Sněžník, Rychnovský vrch, and when visibility is good even Svatý Kopeček u Olomouce. The observation tower is open seasonally in July and August, Tuesday through Sunday from 10.00 to 19.00. From September to November the tower is open on weekends from 10.00 to 19.00.

The mountain village of Cotkytle is situated on the Bohemian- Moravian border in the northeast part of the Ústí nad Orlicí district. The villages of Janoušov, Herbortice, and Mezilesí also currently belong to Cotkytle.

There are numerous old trees in Cotkytle and several of them are regional rarities. These are mainly ancient oaks, lindens, and ash. The largest ash is a stately tree on the former Knápek estate. Other wonders are the old oak by the school, the trees in the centre of the village, and the magnificent lindens by the apartment buildings. Additional interesting trees can be seen in separate local areas – in Janoušov, Herbortice, and Mezilesí. However, experts and lovers of old trees will appreciate most a trip into the ancient beech forest forming the nature reservation between Herbortice and Chudoba.

VIn Lanškroun we can visit the local chateau holding the town museum; also worthy of a visit are the historic town hall building from the second half of the 16h century, and three churches – the Church of St. Anne, the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, and St. Wenceslas Church. Also significant is the area of the Lanškroun Ponds offering swimming and water sports, as well as an educational trail.